Cookies and Other Web Technologies
Xactly and our partners, marketing partners, affiliates, or analytics or service providers, such as our online customer support technology provider, use cookies or similar technologies to administer the Site, track users’ movements around the Site, and gather demographic information about our user base as a whole. We may receive individual or aggregated reports based on the use of these technologies from these companies.
When you interact with the Site and/or Platforms, we strive to make that experience easy and meaningful. When you come to our Site and/or Platforms, our web server may send a cookie to your computer. Cookies are files that web browsers place on a computer’s hard drive and are used to tell us whether customers and visitors have visited the Site previously. Standing alone, cookies do not identify you personally. They merely recognize your browser. Unless you choose to identify yourself to Xactly by other means, such as requesting a download, logging into Xactly’s applications, or registering for a demo or webinar, you remain anonymous to Xactly. If you do not accept cookies from the Site, you cannot access certain portions of the Site or Platforms without registering again each time you would like to access restricted information.
The use of cookies by third parties on the Site is not covered by this Policy. We do not have access or control over these cookies. For more information, please see our Cookie Notice.